Lake Louise Hiking Guide eBook
By: Brian Patton and Bart Robinson
Price: $2.99
Publication date: March 2015
Word count: 18,000 words
File type: PDF eBook/Kindle
Also Available Here
The Lake Louise Hiking Guide by Brian Patton and Bart Robinson is a full-colour eBook from the authors of the Canadian Rockies Trail Guide, which with sales of over 270,000 copies is one of best-selling non-fiction books in Canadian publishing history.
There are few hiking areas in the world that can rival the Lake Louise region for the accessibility of stunning mountain scenery. Within the Lake Louise and Moraine Lake region are 18 designated hikes and a variety of options to extend your wilderness experience—over 160 kilometres (100 miles) of trail traversing some of the most rugged alpine scenery on the continent.
The Lake Louise Hiking Guide includes:
• Descriptions of all Lake Louise and Moraine Lake hiking trails plus interesting side trips
• "Need to Know" section for every trail
• "Planning Your Trip" section that includes information sources, weather, and transportation
• Detailed maps for every trail
• Stunning colour photography
• Competitive pricing: All this for just C$2.99
Our Canadian Rockies hiking blog offers up-to-date trail information, hiking tips, and seasonal favourites updated by authors Brian Patton and Bart Robinson.
History of Hiking at Lake Louise
Lake Louise is the birthplace of recreational hiking in the Canadian Rockies. Soon after the erection of the first rustic chalet on the lake’s shoreline in 1890, manager Willoughby Astley began clearing trails to scenic points above the lake. In 1893, a pair of young adventurers from the eastern U.S., Walter Wilcox and Samuel Allen, began a systematic exploration of the region. The following summer, they discovered and explored Paradise Valley, Sentinel Pass and the upper end of the Valley of the Ten Peaks, and completed the first ascent of Mount Temple. In 1899, Wilcox and a companion made the first recorded visit to Moraine Lake and nearby Consolation Valley.
Wilcox and Allen named many local features, and their explorations led to further trail construction by the Canadian Pacific Railway. As these trails became popular, the CPR built teahouses and shelters at strategic locations. In fact, hotel staff maintained much of the local trail system through the mid-20th century.
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