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Canadian Rockies Trail Guide

Hiking Trail Update for Waterton Lakes National Park

On June 19th, Waterton Lakes National Park received over 200mm of rain in less than 24 hours. Flooding created major washouts along the first 7 km of the Akamina Parkway, cutting access to Cameron Lake and several trails that branch from that road.

Lauren Baker of Tamarack Outdoor Outfitters in Waterton indicates that the road may not be repaired until September. While this closure has eliminated Tamarack’s popular shuttle run to Cameron Lake for the Carthew-Alderson hike, Parks Canada has contracted their bus for scheduled trips to Red Rock Canyon throughout the day to relieve some of the traffic on the Red Rock Parkway (free of charge).

The disruption has placed added pressure on the already-popular Crypt Lake trail, and Lauren indicates that Waterton Shoreline Cruises is running extra boats to the Crypt Landing trailhead to accommodate the increased demand. This trail looks to be extra busy for the rest of the summer.


Trails affected by the closure

No travel by vehicle, bike or foot is permitted on the Akamina Parkway during the reconstruction phase. Hikes affected include:

  • Carthew Summit from Cameron Lake
  • Akamina-Kishenina Park east access (Forum and Wall Lakes)
  • Rowe Lakes
  • Crandell Lake from Akamina Parkway

For more detailed information on trails, check out Parks Canada’s Trail Report for Waterton Lakes National Park: http://www.pc.gc.ca/apps/tcond/cond_e.asp?oPark=100429


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