Lake O’Hara Hiking Guide
By: Brian Patton and Bart Robinson
Price: $2.99
Publication date: March 2016
Word count: 6,000
File type: Kindle eBook
Available Here
The Lake O'Hara Hiking Guide by Brian Patton and Bart Robinson is a full-colour eBook from the authors of the Canadian Rockies Trail Guide.
When veteran hikers get together to reminisce, the name Lake O’Hara comes up early and fondly. It is easy to understand why it is considered such a special place. Within a five-kilometre (3.1-mile) radius of Lake O’Hara there are 25 named lakes, numerous high, rugged mountains, and one of the most extensive and well-maintained trail systems in the Canadian Rockies.
The Lake O'Hara Hiking Guide includes:
• Descriptions of all Lake O'Hara hiking trails plus interesting side trips
• "Need to Know" section for every trail
• "Planning Your Trip" section that includes information on booking the bus, accommodations, information sources, and weather
• A colour map for every trail
• Stunning colour photography
• Competitive pricing: All this for just C$2.99/US$2.50
History of Hiking at Lake O'Hara
The Lake O’Hara region was first spotted from the summit of Mount Stephen by J.J. McArthur, a government surveyor working along the CPR line in 1887. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert O’Hara, an Irishman who heard about the area from McArthur, visited it shortly thereafter and was so impressed he returned repeatedly to explore its lakes, creeks and mountains.
In 1894, American mountaineer Samuel E.S. Allen completed an amazing day trip to the area from Paradise Valley near Lake Louise via Wastach, Wenkchemna and Opabin Passes. From this trip, and a subsequent visit, he provided the Stoney Indian names for many of the local peaks.
The Alpine Club of Canada held one of its earliest mountaineering camps at Lake O’Hara in 1909, and by 1911 the region was popular enough among alpinists to warrant construction of a cabin, Wiwaxy Lodge, in the Alpine Meadow just west of the lake. The CPR constructed the Elizabeth Parker Hut in the meadow in 1919 and soon after added a number of small cabins to accommodate the growing number of visitors. During the winter of 1925-26 Lake O’Hara Lodge was constructed on the lakeshore, and all of the Alpine Meadow cabins, except the Elizabeth Parker Hut, were moved to the site.
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