“Since 1971 the most trusted source of Canadian Rockies hiking information”

Canadian Rockies Trail Guide

Canadian Rockies: A hiker’s bucket list

As co-author of the Canadian Rockies Trail Guide, when I was making a bucket list hikes for myself, I realized I have hiked every day hike trail in the mountain parks at least once. Many readers assume Bart Robinson and I have hiked all the trails in the Canadian Rockies. But that is not the case – there are still backpacks or day trips made from backcountry camps we’ve missed and would dearly like to hike before we get too creaky to manage them.

So, for what its worth, here are five trails I consider Canadian Rockies classics. And if you haven’t hiked them, don’t feel bad. Neither have I.

Snowbird Pass, Mount Robson Provincial Park

Looking back at Mount Robson on the ascent to the meadows of Snowbird Pass.

Snowbird Pass above Mount Robson’s Berg Lake is number 1 on the list of trails I’d like to hike someday. Since I’ve never been there, I have to rely on this photo by blog contributor Bruce Nielsen—looking back at Mount Robson on the ascent to Snowbird Pass.

Though I’ve been to Mount Robson’s Berg Lake three or four times,  weather or time have conspired against completing what I consider the most scenic day hike in the Rockies. Admittedly, you have to reach Berg by shank’s mare or helicopter before you tackle this 20-km round-trip from Robson Pass.

Akamina Ridge, Akamina-Kishinena Provincial Park

I know I shouldn’t be including trips that require off-trail scrambling (there’s lots of spectacular off-trail destinations in the Rockies), but this classic, alpine ridge-walk in Akamina-Kishinena Provincial Park is a natural connection between Forum and Wall Lakes that only requires a brief scramble through a rock band. Again, I’ve hiked  both Forum and Wall, but I never had time to tackle the demanding 18.5-km circuit that includes the vast, all-encompassing views from Akamina Ridge.

Devon Lakes, Banff National Park

When I camped at Fish Lakes above Banff Park’s Pipestone Valley, I knew I should spend an extra day or two traversing to the Devon Lakes via Pipestone and Clearwater Passes—one of the best alpine regions in the Rockies. Alas, I’ve only experienced this special place through the photos and descriptions of trail guide/blog contributors Mike McReynolds, Jim Shipley and Bruce Nielsen.

Badger Pass, Banff National Park

Another near miss when we backpacked Banff’s Sawback Trail. One extra night at Badger Pass Junction Campground (Jo29) would have allowed a 5-km side trip to one of the highest trailed passes (2545m) in Banff Park. Instead, we used the description and photo provided by faithful contributor Mike McReynolds.

Abbott Ridge, Glacier National Park

The first edition of the Canadian Rockies Trail Guide included Glacier and Mount Revelstoke National Parks, which were dropped in subsequent editions. When we did our fieldwork there, we split  the trails equally between us for efficiency sake, and Abbott Ridge is one that Bart did. While I returned years later for a jaunt to Marion Lake, I never had time to complete the 5-km trail to the alpine ridge and its 360-degree panorama of the peaks and icefields surrounding Rogers Pass.

As we get older, we make bucket lists. They’re really dream lists, like what would I do if I won the lottery? And when it comes to hikes, especially those that require multi-day backpacks, I’m not likely to ever get there. But I can dream, can’t I?

Take my word, these trails are pretty special. Please feel free to save them to your own bucket list.


  1. Archie Christopher

    Brian and Bart – Thanks for the memories!

    Odd comment I suppose, but let me put it in context. My parents dragged; then were dragged by; my brothers and I as we systematically walked through your guide book. I think the first year was 1979 – I was 11 and my brothers 9 and 7. I once counted the mileage and came to roughly 2,800 km’s. The majority of the continental divide completed by the time I was 16 and on and on. My parents were teachers so the summer meant packing up the 73 Monte Carlo then later a 79 Bronco and heading off till we begrudgingly would return for the fall semester. We didn’t spend all our free time in your book but it was a “foundation document” for our adventuring close to home in Calgary. My father once had to sacrifice a few pages as someone dropped the last roll of TP in a creek on one of our multi-week treks. His original copy cover is held on by mole skin. It has been many years since I could disappear for months on end adventuring away but like Pavlov’s dog, every summer I want to run for the hills without fail. I have a 90’s edition with dates and comments written on the pages that my kids ask me about. Assiniboine and Lake O’Hara will be their first big outings in the next couple years.

    Today one of the young staff at my office was talking about a hike he had done. His enthusiasm was so refreshingly genuine. I offered to give him a few ‘hot spots’ and wanted to send him a link to your book, and found this opportunity to send you fellows a note.

    Anyway I am sure you have had many thank-you’s over the years for this helpful book. So here is another one. Thanks!


    Archie Christopher

    PS: don’t skip Akamina Ridge – it is spectacular.

  2. Bruce Nielsen

    Hi Brian. I’ve been meaning to email you for a long time to tell you thanks for featuring my photo and links to my blog on your excellent website! Many thanks indeed! Happy trails to you!


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