Shadow Lake, Banff National Park
With the closure of the Sunshine Village Road and washouts on Pharaoh Creek as a result of the June 2013 flood, its been a discouraging summer for getting to Sunshine Meadows and Egypt Lakes. But backpackers travelling from Spray Valley Provincial Park to Highway 93 in Banff National Park via Mount Assiniboine, Sunshine and the Bow Valley Highline, are finding it an ideal summer with a lot fewer people and no unusual obstacles on the trail.
The 95-km route breaks itself up nicely into a five-day journey if you stay on the move. Or schedule a week or more if you want to take a couple days off to explore one of the many spectacular areas along the way—Mt Assiniboine, Sunshine Meadows, Egypt Lakes, Shadow Lake.
Less-ambitious hikers are exploring the north end of the Bow Valley Highline route using Redearth Creek, Arnica Lake-Twin Lakes, or Ball Pass. There are several backcountry campsites in this sector or you can try for a booking at Shadow Lake Lodge.
All these trails are detailed in the Canadian Rockies Trail Guide.