by Brian Patton | Sep 28, 2018 | Outdoor gear |
When Mark’s suddenly released a line of permethrin-treated clothing under its WindRiver label this past spring, it came as a huge, personal surprise. For several years, I had been questioning why Canada was reluctant to approve insect-repellent clothing while it... by Brian Patton | Jun 14, 2018 | Outdoor gear |
After years of frustration, Canadians are now able to purchase clothing that is commercially treated to protect against mosquitoes and ticks and the diseases they can carry. Using “No Fly Zone by Burlington” technology, Marks (aka Marks Work Wearhouse)... by Brian Patton | Apr 17, 2017 | Home page News, Outdoor gear, Technology |
Once again, tick season is upon us. For most in the Rockies wood ticks are an annual nuisance that we suffer for a couple of months. The only defence is to tuck our pants into our socks and check ourselves carefully for the beasties following every hike. But in many...